Oils on a Budget: Poverty Mindset

Okay, last post in this series. My hope with this series of posts was to show you that a healthier lifestyle using Young Living products was possible for everyone. But I can give you every tip in the world and it won’t matter if you’re stuck in a poverty mindset. Poverty mindset is one whereContinue reading “Oils on a Budget: Poverty Mindset”

Oils on a Budget: Wholesale Discount

When you go to the Young Living website to purchase products you’ll see there’s a discount price and a retail price. If you’re like me, you’ll be thinking, “Wait, how do I get the discount?” There are two ways to receive the discount price. Number one is make an order of 100 PV or moreContinue reading “Oils on a Budget: Wholesale Discount”

Oils on a Budget: Loyalty Rewards

The biggest thing I can say about Loyalty Rewards is FREE products! Whose budget doesn’t like Free? When I opened my account with Young Living I did it for the free products. I had been having a friend order for me but then I learned if I had my own account I could receive freeContinue reading “Oils on a Budget: Loyalty Rewards”

Oils on a Budget: Diffusing vs Candles

Okay, look out because I can really get going on this subject. First, cost. A small candle costs about $12-14 and burns for 25 hours. Using your diffuser, you use about 5-6 drops of oil in the diffuser. Lavender is $.09 a drop, on medium speed the diffuser runs for 8 hours, making one runContinue reading “Oils on a Budget: Diffusing vs Candles”

Oils on a Budget: Thieves Household Cleaner

After a starter bundle Thieves Household Cleaner is the most budget friendly item from Young Living. Thieves Household Cleaner comes as a concentrate so it many seem expensive for one bottle but it actually comes out to be less than the bargain cleaner in the store. Depending on how you dilute it you can getContinue reading “Oils on a Budget: Thieves Household Cleaner”

Oils on a Budget: Oils Under $20

So you’ve been buying oils at the discount store because they’re cheaper than Young Living – are they really? Did you know that Young Living carries a number of oils that cost less than $20? What if you could get quality oils and not break the bank? Would you switch then? If no, I sincerelyContinue reading “Oils on a Budget: Oils Under $20”

Oils on a budget: Healthier lifestyle

Since we began Young Living we’ve been able to go off of allergy and asthma meds. We get sick less often. We see the doctors less. We take less sick days. Being a part of the Young Living community taught us that living a healthy lifestyle is about preventative care not reactive care. Through ourContinue reading “Oils on a budget: Healthier lifestyle”

Oils on a budget: Price per drop

Okay, this one might make you super stingy of your oils – I’m so guilty of this. Sometimes watching my family using oils makes me cringe, like watching your kids squeeze out the toothpaste! But I bite my tongue because, hey, at least they are using them! Let’s use two of our most popular oilsContinue reading “Oils on a budget: Price per drop”

Oils on a Budget: Vitality Oils vs Regular Oils

This budget hack is one of the simplist. Say you want to buy an oil but the price is a little much for your budget right now. Check to see if there is a Young Living Vitality Oil available! Vitality oils come in the 5 ml size so often they run at a lower priceContinue reading “Oils on a Budget: Vitality Oils vs Regular Oils”

Oils on a budget: Seed to Seal

First let’s talk quality. I can’t tell you how many times I tell people that I use Young Living and they respond, “Oh, you use the expensive ones!” Ah, no. I use the GOOD ones. Unfortunately, the essential oil industry is largely unregulated. Many oil companies purchase oils from brokers not knowing anything about theContinue reading “Oils on a budget: Seed to Seal”